Purely Organic Golden Globe Turnip Seeds - USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Vegetable Seeds

  • $5.95

These finest quality, non-GMO, organic Golden Globe Turnip Seeds are fast growers, producing gorgeous, fine grained roots with a crisp crunch and a smooth, sweet flavor. The tops are delicious too! Premium organic, heirloom, open pollinated, non-GMO Golden Globe Turnip Seeds from Purely Organic Products are packed for the current growing season and will provide high germination rates next year as well.

Freshly Packed: These seeds are packed for the current growing season and will provide high germination rates next year as well.

Premium Packaging: All seeds from Purely Organic Products are packaged in individually styled packets ideal for gifts, storage or immediate use. Each packet displays the flower, vegetable, plant or herb variety on the front with instructions and plant facts on the back.

Sow in well-worked, light, loose soil in early spring for a summer crop, and again in late summer for a fall crop. Firm lightly over the seeds and keep soil moist. Thin to the best starts when seedlings are 3-4 inches tall. Keep soil moist, but not saturated, with about 1 inch of water (including rain) per week. Water at the base of the plant to avoid wetting foliage. For the best flavor and texture harvest when turnip roots are about 3 inches in diameter. Turnips store well in a root cellar, refrigerator, or freezer (after blanching).

Turnip Greens Taste Great! Use early thinning to spice up salads. Mature greens are delicious in recipes or sautéed.

When to Harvest: Harvest spring turnips before they grow to large in the heat of the summer sun. Harvest fall turnips after a frost for an especially sweet flavor.

Are Your Seeds Organic? What does Certified Organic and/or USDA Organic Mean?
All Purely Organic Seeds (and many varieties of the other seed brands we carry) are Certified Organic and carry the USDA Organic Seal. This means that our seeds are non-GMO (not genetically modified), and are chemical and pesticide free. They have passed rigorously standards and certified by a USDA Accredited agency. To determine whether the seed packet you're interested in is organic, look for the USDA Organic seal.

Are Your Seeds Heirloom? What are Heirloom Seeds?
Heirloom Seeds (sometimes called Heritage Seeds) are open pollinated vegetable and herb seed strains that have been planted, grown and harvested for several generations (usually more than 30 or 50 years depending on the variety) with consistent results. Heirloom seeds are always non-GMO and are never hybrids. All of our vegetable and herb seeds are heirloom seeds.

Are Your Seeds Non-GMO? What Does Non-GMO Mean?
Non-GMO means seeds (or other products) that were produced without genetic engineering and were not derived from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). All of our seeds are non-GMO.

Where do Your Seeds Come From?
Most of the seeds offered on our site are USA Origin seeds sourced from certified US based suppliers. We do also source a small number of seeds from other countries. To view the specific origin of any of our current seed offerings, check the seed packet or look in the specifications for "Country of Origin" on any product page.

Are Your Seeds Packed for the Current Growing Season?
All of our seed packets are packed for the current growing season. If stored properly they will provide high germination rates for 1-2 additional years as well.

How Can I Store My Seeds Safely for Use in the Future?
Our seeds will generally retain their high germination rates for several years from the date of purchase. If you're planning on saving your seeds for us in the future, the most important thing to remember that seeds like to be stored where it is cool, dry and dark. The easiest way to ensure this for long term storage at home is to double-seal your seeds inside two zipper style bags and then place them in the freezer. (Make sure you label your seeds for future reference if they're not in original packaging.) When you're ready to plant your seeds, take just the ones you want to use out of the freezer and let them sit on a counter, in a covered container, for a few days to thaw and stabilize before being planted. To preserve germination rates, minimize temperature, light and humidity fluctuations by storing your seeds at the back of the freezer and only taking them out when you're ready to use them.

What Does the "Packed For" Year Mean on the Back of Seed Packets?
Federal regulations require seed packets to include "Packed For" Year markings. The "Packed For" Year is not an expiration date, it is only an indicator of when the seeds were packaged. "Packed For" Years can help gardeners determine how viable (able to germinate) seeds are likely to be. If stored properly -- in a dark, cool, dry place -- most seeds will deliver high germination rates for several years after the "Packed For" date.

The Package with my Seeds in was Left Outside in Freezing and/or Rainy Weather. Will the Seeds Still Work?
As long as your seeds have not gotten wet they should work fine. Freezing temperatures will not hurt the seeds.

Are Your Seeds Treated?
No. The USDA Certified Organic Program prohibits the use of treated seeds. All of our seeds -- whether certified organic or not -- are untreated.

Organic Golden Globe Turnip Seeds

UPC Code 856143003817
Seed Count Approximately 250 Seeds Per Gram
Packed for Year These seeds are packed for the current growing season and will provide high germination rates next year as well.
Packaging Packet or Resealable Pouch
Seed Type USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Vegetable
Life Cycle Annual
Hardiness Zone USDA 3-11
Scientific (Latin) Name Brassica Rapa
Growth Medium Soil
When to Plant Spring, Fall (Outdoors)
Planting Depth 1/2 Inch
Plant Spacing 4-6 Inches
Row Spacing 18-24 Inches
Light Preference Full Sun
Soil Preference Loose, sandy soil.
Time to Germination 5-10 Days
Time to Maturity / Harvest 50-70 Days